5th-10th October in Berlin
Corona Disclaimer
Take note of our hygiene conzept! The situation in Berlin remains dynamic and we, of course, adhere to the relevant requirements. Please check the info-channels again, if necessary, to see whether actions can take place as planned! 😷❤️
Im Invalidenpark: VIGIL
From October 5th to 9th we will be in Invalidenpark. The vigil here serves as a meeting and information point as well as a place of retreat in bad weather. Here you can also find our awareness team.
During the day, various opportunities for regeneration are offered in the morning (yoga, quigong). Afterwards, there will be; open exchange, onboarding, networking, the possibility to sign the "climate restart" petition, and, if the weather is good, possibly a film screening.

Thursday, October 1st
An (English) onboarding starting at 7:30 PM will offer you an introduction of what XR is about, how we work, and how to join!
Saturday, October 3rd
The (English) talk "Rebellion or Extinction?" from 10-12:00 AM followed by an action training from 12:00 AM to 6:00 PM will provide you with sufficient preparation for the following week!
Sunday, October 4th
The "Aufstand oder Aussterben" lecture is from 10:00 - 12:00 with subsequent action training from 12:00 AM to 6:00 PM offers a good start for the week!
The Bridge of Faith (Brücke des Glaubens) starts together on Sunday Discobedience at the Friedrichsbrücke in Berlin-Mitte. Setup at 3:30 pm, beginning at 4:00 pm, end at 7:00 pm
With representatives of the various religions and spiritual worldviews, we want to remind ourselves that the preservation of our earth and the preservation of our livelihoods are anchored in the Holy Scriptures. And we want to gather strength to work for this wonderful earth. Under the motto "Believe differently, act together. For our earth. Now!" we, believers and spiritual people in Extinction Rebellion and the for-future movements, work together for climate justice.
At 6:30 p.m. there will be a spontaneously registered demo for the Dannenröder forest before the Ministry of Transport statt. The Anti Coal Kidz and Fridays for Future will also be there!
Monday, October 5 th
The Funeral procession of the dead trees from the Northern Alliance starts at 10:00 at the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Wilhelmstraße 54, 10117 Berlin (Link leads to Google Maps). We will address the ministries (agriculture, transport, economy) - because industrial agriculture destroys valuable ecosystems such as forests, wetlands and wild meadows, threatens biodiversity and leaches out soils. If the forest dies, man dies! The additional burden of extreme weather caused by the climate crisis can already be seen across the country. We demand: forest Wald statt Asphalt! (instead of asphalt!)
After the demonstration has arrived in Invalidenpark there will be a kick-off event with guest speakers on the worldwide ecological catastrophe and opportunities for the press to talk to activists
We block the blockers and speak to the lobbyists inside the capital: "Stop the destruction. All together for change!" These associations and companies counteract ecological and real-political change. Here the destruction of our environment as well as displacement, misery and death of many people are ignored or accepted with approval. And all of this for profit maximization. But we see another way, to the real benefit of our society. Reason and not money should decide our future. The disproportionate influence of the rich and powerful few must end. To this end, we have prepared an action that is unprecedented in the climate justice movement. If you want to give a helping hand, turn to the Eastern Alliance.
👉 Ask your OG ("Ortsgruppe" = local group) if you would like to know more details now! Information will follow in the Telegram channel from the Eastern Alliance and XR Germany. Telegram Kanal vom Ostbündnis sowie von XR Deutschland.

Wednesday, October 7th
The sea are rising - so are we we marches start around 3 p.m. in front of the respective party headquarters of the CDU and SPD and meet for a rally at Potsdamer Platz. With speeches, theater, and music, passers-by are involved and taken into the conversation. The last stop is at the Brandenburg Gate with a transformation of the participants around the topic of water. Rebels bring blue cloths, plants, paneling and decoration inside. Water is both essential and threatening, waves represent life as well as the rising sea levels.
Thursday, October 8th
At 6:00 p.m. in front of the Brazilian embassy we draw attention to the deforestation of the Amazon and the Mercosur agreement with the EU. In addition to speeches (including one from the NGO Survival International and activists from Extinction Rebellion Germany), there will be a projection with indigenous voices, as well as the opportunity to participate in a joint and, hopefully, visually stunning art action on the smartphone.

Friday, October 9th
The southern alliance is still making plans - information will follow.
Saturday, October 10th
Info will follow, our info channels will give you the fastest updates!
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