2. We set our mission on achieving what is necessary
Mobilising enough of the population to achieve system change - such as "momentum-driven organising"
Movements that can mobilise large numbers of people are statistically more successful. That is why we are mobilising a critical mass within the population to persuade our government to act. To do this, we use tried and tested methods such as "momentum-driven organising".
We are aware that we are in the midst of a deep crisis that is difficult to comprehend. We are currently experiencing the sixth mass extinction and Germany, as one of the primarily responsible countries, is not taking the appropriate steps to protect our ecosystems and thereby humanity from the worst consequences of the climate catastrophe.
We are facing crises that not only jeopardise our health, but also the mental and physical health of our children and all future generations. People around the world are already suffering from an unfair distribution of power and resources, malnutrition, pollution and destruction of ecosystems. Our lives are threatened by pandemics and antibiotic resistance. Our economic system is heading for another crisis that could surpass all previous ones. A culture of subjugation of other people, ruthless competition, retaliation and terror prevails in large parts of the world and its societies.
Support from a significant part of the population can enable the urgently needed change to the current system, which is based on perpetual economic growth despite limited resources and the selfish pursuit of personal gain. This is a prerequisite for the implementation of equitable measures against the climate and ecological catastrophe for all people in the world.
A shift towards a system of togetherness is also necessary to strengthen our resilience in the face of expected collapses.
Our vision of change is open and includes the following:
- A functioning democracy in which people can genuinely and equally participate in political decision-making. This includes a distribution of power to the levels closest to people and communities, with structures that enable decision-making at local, regional, national and international levels.
- An economy that, at its core, is designed to maximise the wellbeing of all people and minimise harm to people, animals and our planet. We need laws and policies for social and global justice, regional production, sustainable economies (e.g. degrowth, circular economy, zero waste) and zero greenhouse gas emissions.
- The creation of regenerative cultures. We can start right away! (See #3 of our principles and values).
[1] Erica Chenoweth, Maria J. Stephan; Why Civil Resistance Works; Chapter 2; Columbia University Press; 2011
[2] Gene Sharp; Politics of Nonviolent Action; Porter Sargent Publishers; 1973
[3] Mark Engler, Paul Engler; This is an Uprising; Bold Type Books; 2016