Charlotte Götze

10. We are based on autonomy and decentralisation

We collectively create the structures we need to challenge existing power. All those who follow these principles and values can take action in the name of Extinction Rebellion.

We recognise that we cannot rely on governments to solve the world's problems. They put economic and power interests above the interests of the majority of people and the preservation of nature. We understand that we need to organise ourselves to achieve our goals - in the context of XR, this means working to balance power by dismantling the usual power structures that dominate our lives. In doing so, we mean to gain access to the resources we need, such as equal, democratic structures that give everyone a voice and influence, undistorted information, adequate, supportive and equitable health systems, education, social welfare and housing, clean energy production and legal protection from the destruction of our foundations of life (ecocide).

Each person and group can organise autonomously to advance the causes they deem most urgent and take action in the name and spirit of Extinction Rebellion - as long as these actions are in line with the principles and values of Extinction Rebellion. In this way, power is decentralised. There is no need to ask a centralised group or authority for permission.

We also prefer concepts based on holocracy and sociocracy to form consensus:

  • In a group, it can be decided that one or more people will do a certain task for the group. These people are then fully authorised to carry out this task.
  • They are encouraged to seek advice and feedback, but they do not need permission from others to fulfil their task.
  • They are fully accountable for the results and reflect on them, as well as making improvements for the future. If something goes wrong, they help to "clean it up".

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