Charlotte Götze

6. We welcome everyone - as they are

Working actively to create safer and more accessible spaces. We do not accept behaviour that exhibits racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, ableism, class discrimination, ageism and all other forms of discrimination, including offensive language, in person or online.

We do not accept physical or verbal violence or incitement to violence against other people. We strictly reject all forms of oppression, inhumane attitudes and discrimination against groups of people - they have no place in XR. In particular, but not exclusively, we are strictly opposed to fascism, racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, sexism, homophobia, ableism, class discrimination and ageism.

We are aware that global change processes also require us to change our relationships with other people with whom we work and ally ourselves. The world is currently characterised by hierarchies of power based on ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, etc. (intersectionality). Large parts of today's societies do not offer a protective environment for people who are disadvantaged by these power hierarchies. In order to create spaces protected from discrimination, it is necessary to actively and sustainably develop an understanding of how these power hierarchies work. We can then challenge them and promote inclusion (equal inclusion of as many as possible) by making our environments more accessible. For our movement to be safe for all, it must first and foremost be safe for the most marginalised.

Our goal is that every individual is equally welcome regardless of ethnicity, nationality, class, gender, gender identity, gender presentation, sexual orientation, age, income, ability, education, appearance, personal character and physical and mental health, migration status, belief or non-belief, activist experience and other characteristics that often serve as a basis for discrimination. Each individual in our movement is responsible for creating and maintaining a safe, compassionate and welcoming environment. New people should feel accepted into the movement from the moment they join.

We recognise that trying to make our movement as inclusive and diverse as possible also means that we have to find a way of dealing with different behavioural norms. We also recognise that we are complex beings and show many different sides of ourselves at different times and in different circumstances. To guarantee inclusion and equality in the movement, rebels continuously question their own position and the privileges associated with it and learn from the exchange with other rebels and offers in the movement.

We therefore strive to create a space in which we continuously support each other in a compassionate and respectful way, to treat each other with care and appreciation. We too have grown up in a society characterised by various forms of discrimination. Extinction Rebellion offers a safe framework for openly confronting and overcoming these influences. Here we can learn from each other to make our movement a safe and non-discriminatory place for everyone.

Next principle: We actively mitigate for power

The 7. principle / Back to the overview / Our demands (de)
