Charlotte Götze

9. We are a non-violent network

Using non-violent strategy and tactics as the most effective way to bring about change.

In the fight to preserve our foundations of life, non-violence is a fundamental value of our movement. We use it to shine light on the injustices that many people suffer every day. We share the pain of all those who suffer from (power) abuse by police and other governmental and non-governmental bodies worldwide and will expose violence through conscious nonviolence. Nonviolence has proven to be an effective tool for mass mobilisations and is a cornerstone of our movement.

At the same time, we are aware that many people and movements around the world experience death, displacement or violence when they fight for their rights. We recognise that it is also our privilege in Germany to be able to fight without violence. That is why we show solidarity with those who are not protected by these privileges and feel all the more obliged to stand up for them in the interests of climate justice. Without condoning violence in general, we can understand in some cases that people in repressive environments are forced to use violent means to defend their existence.

We also do not condemn other social and environmental movements that choose the path of damaging property to protect themselves and nature. Our movement has agreed not to cause significant damage to property.

Next principle: We are based on autonomy and decentralisation

The 10. principle / Back to the overview / Our demands (de)
