Charlotte Götze

4. We openly challenge ourselves and our toxic system

Leaving our comfort zones to take action for change

We have a duty to oppose this system, which destroys life on earth, is deeply unjust and is based on the following pillars:

  • a culture of reckless consumption and exploitation of people and nature, which industrialised nations export worldwide
  • economic and financial systems based on increasing resource consumption, profit maximisation and growth
  • a public and media discourse that gives more space to economic arguments than to democratic, environmental and social aspects.

Some of us have chosen to deliberately break the law to denounce these grievances. We have learnt from history that such open civil disobedience and direct action are crucial for change. Practising non-violent civil disobedience is only one of many equally important activities within XR. The well-being and safety of all activists is always a priority. It is therefore extremely important that each person who considers practising civil disobedience thoroughly examines their own circumstances, fears and motivations and receives support, counselling and training from the movement. It is important to know and respect your own boundaries and those of your fellow rebels. It is essential that our culture of insurgency supports those who willingly expose themselves to the risks mentioned above. There are many tasks and roles in rebellion other than civil disobedience - each task and role is equally important, as without them civil disobedience would not be possible.

We take safety precautions that allow us to plan and carry out actions without them being interrupted before they are fully implemented. Our civil disobedience and direct actions, on the other hand, take place in public and are visible to everyone, and activists consciously accept the consequences of their actions.

We stand in solidarity with all people in the climate justice movement and appreciate that each individual movement follows its own strategic approach - acting in its own way and with its own methods and means, but still focused on a common goal: To prevent climate catastrophe and leave a planet worth living on for future generations.

For the sake of clarity, and for the safety of those involved in Extinction Rebellion, we have agreed that all actions carried out in the name of Extinction Rebellion will take place in public.

However, it's not just about taking public action and active resistance; we also need to utilise all aspects of regenerative cultures and take the time to question the effectiveness of our actions. Being a climate activist can push us to our emotional, mental and physical limits. Therefore, we make sure to take care of our well-being and also have the well-being of our fellow rebels in mind. We give ourselves time to regenerate and support each other in doing so. This rebellion is not a sprint, but a marathon, so we should be careful with our resources.

We want to embody the changes we are demanding, e.g. by using non-violent communication with our fellow human beings, questioning our diet or the way we go on holiday. But personal responsibility can also be overrated and is partly based on privilege. In the face of all these challenges, we ask for space, patience and the willingness to try out new things to find out whether they contribute to achieving our goals.

In Germany, as part of the Western world, we benefit greatly from the outsourcing of production and environmental damage to other countries - which in turn promotes exploitation and forces people to leave their homes. In our fight for global climate justice, we should also be aware of our historical responsibility for the climate crisis and raise our awareness of global climate justice.

Next principle: We value reflecting and learning.

The 5. principle / Back to the overview / Our demands (de)
