Charlotte Götze

8. We avoid blaming and shaming

We live in a toxic system but no one individual is to blame.

We avoid blaming and shaming individuals. A single campaign may occasionally aim to highlight the harmful role of an institution or its staff, but it is our fundamental stance that we live in a toxic system that has shaped and damaged each of us. We will point out behaviour that is exploitative, abusive or harmful and we will not tolerate such behaviour, but we will criticise content and behaviour, not people.

We strive for a (system) change that promotes diversity and connectedness. We want to improve the relationships between us, recognise pitfalls in interpersonal relationships and draw attention to the structures that could divide us. We want to allow and express feelings - including negative ones - instead of suppressing them. However, we ask each other to be mindful in the way we communicate feelings and to return to a foundation of love, respect and a sense of community. We will be compassionate when mistakes are made. Mistakes are opportunities to learn. Listening to each other with sincerity is a powerful tool. We will listen especially to people whose voices are not sufficiently heard in society.

Next principle: We are a non-violent network

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