Charlotte Götze

1. We have a shared vision of change

Creating a world that is fit for future generations to live in.

As part of the climate justice movement, we see it as our indispensable task to shape a world that is worth living in for future human generations and all living beings. Another world is possible! Our vision of (system) change is open-minded enough to be able to work towards our common goal with a diversity of opinions and approaches:

A hopeful and liveable future in which people worldwide are provided with the natural environment, resources and opportunities to lead meaningful and sustainable lives. In which people face challenges together with courage, intellect and heart to develop solutions based on solidarity. A world in which respect for all living beings and nature, justice and freedom are the anchors of human endeavour.

Next principle: We set our mission on achieving what is necessary

The 2nd principle / Back to the overview / Our demands (de)
