🇩🇪 German version 🇬🇧 English version
Questo è un momento critico. La nostra dipendenza dai combustibili fossili finanzia guerre, fa salire alle stelle il costo della vita, porta al collasso climatico e ha un costo enorme in vite umane.
Il governo ha promesso di proteggerci, ma continua a costruire nuovi oleodotti e terminali, ad aprire centrali elettriche a carbone, a pensare al petrolio nel Mare del Nord ed al fracking e alla crescita, una crescita apparentemente senza fine. Senza di noi: vogliamo sopravvivere!
Dal 17 al 20 settembre faremo quello che funziona meglio: dare sui nervi. Daremo fastidio ai membri del governo, alle lobby e alle grande aziende, proprio dove lavorano: a Berlino.
Olaf Scholz definisce le proteste ambientaliste come "messe in scena a cui partecipano sempre le stesse persone vestite di nero" [1]. Noi dimostreremo invece in modo colorato e creativo che le persone di tutti i ceti sociali sono stufe e si ribellano per sopravvivere. Stiamo tornando alle radici di Extinction Rebellion e renderemo le nostre azioni colorate, amichevoli e aperte in modo che tutti possano partecipare.
Per questo ci incontreremo di nuovo in un campo e ci riuniremo per vivere culture rigenerative. Indipendente dal tuo campo d´azione: sia che tu decidessi di cucinare o di partecipare attivamente alle proteste a Berlino c’è bisogno di te.
☎️ Open Calls
Partecipa a una delle Open Call: È qui che risponderemo a tutte le vostre domande e raccoglieremo le energie per la ribellione.
- Sunday, 28th of August at 7 pm (Berlin time) here (german)
- Thursday, 1st of September at 7 pm (Berlin time) here (english)
- Tuesday, 6th of September at 7 pm (Berlin time) here (german)
- Tuesday, 13th of September at 7 pm (Berlin time) here (german)
- ...
⛺ Camp
Informazioni sul campo: Monteremo le nostre tende all '”Invalidenpark” (Google Maps / OpenStreetMap) da venerdì 16 a mercoledì 21 settembre. Ci sarà spazio per tutti. Qui terranno luogo i workshop, gli scambio di informazioni, ecc.
You can find the full program (in German) here.
🎒 Pagina di preparazione
Nella pagina dedicata alla preparazione è possibile scoprire cos´ è necessario sapere prima dell'azione, cosa mettere in valigia, ecc.
📅 Schedule
We're focusing on three big actions at the heart of politics. Find the full plan (in German) here, and be sure to keep an eye on the Telegram Broadcast.

What do we want to achieve?
While everyone is talking about pumping more money into fossil fuels, we want to be a strong opposing voice and make clear that now is the time to break free from our fossil addiction and not send ourselves to our own suicide with new pipelines and terminals.
We want to achieve that the government finally establishes a citizens' assembly on the ecological emergency! Our lives should be decided in a grassroots democratic way and without the influence of lobbies and corporations because we see how the government decides too short-term and is too caught up in factional pressure and corporate influence.
Can we make it work?
Our strategy works: April 2019, the streets of London are shut down. Less than two weeks later, the British Parliament declares a climate emergency. October 2019, Berlin is gridlocked, and two months later, Berlin becomes the first German federal state to declare a climate emergency.
The time to get moving is now. Many are frustrated and disappointed with the government. It is time to take everyone with us and rebel. We know a better future is possible! And our third demand, a citizens' assembly, is closer than ever. One was already running in Berlin, another will be run in Saarland, and citizens' assemblies are in the coalition agreement of our government. None of this would have happened without our pressure, and now it's time to take it to another level.
But to make it work we urgently need your support! We have learned a lot throughout the pandemic, but many people have also left. So find a role and join us:
💚 Sign up to rebel.
📱 Get all the info in the action channel.
💪 Take on a role
“ Civil disobedience is not only a moral choice, it is also the most powerful way of shaping world politics.”
– Christiana Figueres (led the international negotiations on the Paris climate agreement)

There are decades when nothing happens and there are weeks when decades happen.

🪧 Material for mobilisation
Posters, flyers and stickers for the rebellion. Some material has also been printed and sent to local groups, if you still need something write to info@extinctionrebellion.de.
📷 Profile picture generator
Transform your profile picture and show everyone that you are coming to Berlin with us.
→ The profile picture generator
📹 Mobilisation Videos
Record a short statement why you are coming and what motivates you.
→ How-To: Take a mobilisation video (german)
🕺 Rebel Ringing
Call old friends and sleeping Rebels to see if they're in on the Herbst Rebellion.