Spring Rebellion, April 12-17th , Berlin
Rising up together - blossoming together! After a stressful winter full of deprivation, we are angry but also euphoric to get together in actions and to live and grow our community. From Lützerath, the place of destruction, we are addressing the place of decision making. Build groups, get organised for the long term an come to Berlin for the Spring Rebellion!
👀 What is it about?
- Biodiversity and our security of food supply
- The richest humans, theirs multinational corporations and their destruction of our livelihoods right here and everywhere else in the world
- More Democracy via citizen assemblies (Bürger*innenräte)
We demand that the government calls out for a biodiversity emergency and draws a lot for and convened a representative citizen councils, who shall decide about the measures we need to take to solve the energy and environment crises, in a manner of social and climate justice.
#Unsichtbaressichtbarmachen #springrebellion #VielfaltLeben #VielfaltLieben
🥁 What will happen?
You have three ways to participate:
Thursday, 13.04. from 12 to 16 o'clock: ironic demonstration of the super rich from the Invalidenpark to the Brandenburg Gate
Saturday, 15.04. from 1 to 5 p.m.: Big walking demonstration "State of Emergency Biodiversity" from Bayer headquarters to the Federal Ministry for the Environment
Sunday, April 16 from 12 to 6 p.m.: KüFA on nutrition and biodiversity at Schlesisches Tor
Sunday, 16.04. from 13 to 16 o'clock: Walking meditation biodiversity crisis from the Brandenburg Gate to the Bundestag
In addition to the registered assemblies, there will also be creative actions of civil disobedience. Blockades, Animal Rebellion, various small group actions, performances and whatever you like! You are invited to participate everywhere. Beforehand you should attend an action training (see below) or the three-hour skillshare on Wednesday, 12.04. from 13:30-16:30 at the camp.
For security reasons, we only share information about civil disobedience actions with caution. For some actions you need a verified affinity group. At @RebellionsHilfe (Telegram) you can verify your affinity group and get information about the actions. On the action channel you will get short term information about actions that are already running and in which you can participate directly. To be involved from the beginning, you should be docked (with your reference group) to XR structures.
You are welcome to drop by the camp at Invalidenpark anytime from Wednesday noon (04/12) to Monday evening (04/17). The camp is open to everyone and free of charge. Here you will find nice people, delicious food, art, live music, movie nights and a diverse program with workshops and discussions. At the camp you can sleep, get food several times a day, leave your children temporarily in the childcare and get creative in the art tent. If you have any questions about the protest camp, feel free to write to camp23@extinctionrebellion.de.
You can find the camp program here! The focus is on biodiversity, neocolonialism and democracy. Look forward to exciting lectures and discussions from different groups. There will be action skillshare (Wednesdays) and workshops on support roles or anti-racism. In the evening you can expect live music. Fire shows and film screenings.
⏰ Digital Info Meeting for Spring Rebellion
What will happen? How do I prepare? Your questions will be answered in March, April at 7pm on every 1st, 11th and 21st of each month here. On March 11th we will have a Info call in English
You are also welcome to join our XR Onboarding events (Einstiegsabend) every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month here.
🚨 Action trainings and Preparation
During the last March and first April weekends, we will have many action trainings in many German cities. There you will get all the infos about legal consequences and how to interact with the police or bypasser. Additionally you will meet many other lovely rebels and will find yourself a peer group (if you don't have one already). This way you won't be alone at the spring rebellion. Infos about action trainings you will find here soon.
You would like to organize and action training or you need help with this? Then contact us at training@extinctionrebellion.de.
Also during the spring rebellion we will have action trainings and events to find a peer group: Wednesday (12.4) and Friday (14.4.) at the camp
🏕️ Camp
Also this year we will have a Camp at Invalidenpark. The camp is open for everyone and we will have a wide range of workshops, speeches and events. You want to offer some workshop and program? Please contact: camp23@extinctionrebellion.de. Theh camp will be constructed on Tuesday and torn down one week later on Tuesday again.

Invite for Spring Rebellion
Rising up together - blossoming together! After a stressful winter full of deprivation, we are angry but also euphoric to get together in actions and to live and grow our community. From Lützerath, the place of destruction, we are addressing the place of decision making. Build cliques, get organised for the long term an come to Berlin for the Spring Rebellion!
Instead of blooming, the life on our planet is dying faster than ever. More and more species of animals and plants going extinct every year. But our existence relies on a natural diversity. A healthy biodiverse forest stores CO2 and purifies the air, Insects pollinate the fields and ensure our food supply. If we don't stop the sixth mass extinction and more and more species are disappearing, we will endanger our food security and our survival. But instead of protecting biodiversity, forests are cut down, monocultures are established and areas sealed. This destruction is happening here on our doorstep and even more so by multinational corporations in countries of the Global South.
But what do I care about species extinction if I can no longer pay my electricity and gas bills? They are outgrowths of the same problem. As energy prices soar to unaffordable heights, corporations are making record profits. These corporations do not serve the common good, but only the profit interests of the richest people. Theirs companies RWE, Volkswagen and Bayer or Nestle, Coca-Cola and Total are destroying our planet with their business practices. Their "green solutions" are only slightly modified business models that ensure that the richest and most powerful remain in power. With a strong influence on politics and public perception, they block the necessary changes in the agricultural, transport or energy transitions with their monopoly positions. For example, although generating electricity from renewable sources has become cheaper, they continue to invest in coal and gas. These multinational companies will not voluntarily give up their profits. They have the power and will not give it up unless we force them to. Governments watch this happening too often, let themselves be persuaded by greenwashing and intimidated by threats from lobbyists. In doing so, the federal government repeatedly violates the Basic Law (Art. 20a) and international contracts (Paris Climate Agreement).
In the Spring Rebellion, we are reversing the balance of power. In Berlin, at the center of power, as a democratic civil society, we prevent multinational companies and the government from continuing their deadly business undisturbed. We make the invisible - "backroom lobbying" and species extinction - visible. With creative actions of civil disobedience we oppose the exploitation of people and nature.
We demand that the government declare a biodiversity emergency and convene to draw, representative citizens' council that decides what measures are needed to solve the energy and environmental crises fairly.
#Unsichtbaressichtbarmachen #frühlingsrebellion #VielfaltLeben #VielfaltLieben
Come with us to Berlin, April 12th- 17th!

What happened so far?
At our Rebellion in Autum 2022 we have shown clearly that this political system fails on across the board. In Spring we go one step further and we want to set the starting point for a resilient, compassionate society.
“Civil disobedience is not only a moral choice, it is also the most powerful way of shaping world politics.”
– Christiana Figueres (hat die internationalen Verhandlungen zum Pariser Klimaabkommen geführt)

Are you in?