Living utopias together.

At the Living Resistance Festival, we want to come together as activists to live resistance and utopias together. You can expect music, art, workshops with valuable content and lots of joie de vivre. We will come together to learn from each other, celebrate together, mourn together and inspire each other.

The climate crisis and the associated biodiversity crisis challenge us to fundamentally change our societies. It is not enough to reduce CO2. Deep-rooted mechanisms that made these crises possible in the first place must change. Racism, sexism and the exploitation of people and nature are inextricably linked. Regenerative cultures are an important part of the solution. It is about making something good again, restoring and giving something back. Regeneration is not only about healing nature, but also about looking at the deep-rooted causes of the crises that have arisen from centuries of colonialism, capitalism and patriarchal structures. We want to understand and live this. We want to start with ourselves.

Concerts, workshops and lots of joie de vivre await you from September 11 to 15 in Treptower Park!

You don't know Extinction Rebellion (XR for short) yet? Then visit our online onboarding every Monday at 7 pm or our website!

You can camp in the beautiful Treptower Park, by the Spree 🏕️🏝️ and meals 🥗 will be prepared on site for everyone - enjoy it all for free in exchange for a donation of €0 - 20 per day.

Please register here if you would like to help us organise the festival.



  • Concerts and a great evening program every day!
  • Lots of time for personal exchange & creativity
  • Workshops on in-depth topics
  • Biodiversity conference "Rewild the world"
  • Bash away the A100 - "A100 wegbassen" - protest
  • Networking tent and exchange with many other groups of the climate justice movement

Monday/Tuesday - 9/10.9.

Setting up camp and building infrastructure

Wednesday - 11.9.

Topic: still open, so far

15-17:30 Drum class with the XR Drummers and Rhythems of Resistance (in planning)

17:30-18:15 Plenary session to get together and talk


19-22 Evening entertainment and live music

Thursday - 12.9.

Topic: "How to resist" - learning about feminist and social struggles

Before 8:30: Movement and start to the day


9:15-10 Organisational plenary

10-12 Input by "Social heat transition"

10-12 Workshop "Using performance for actions"

10-12 Input 3 (in planning)

12-13 Coming together and storytelling plenary

Lunch break

14-18 Petition handover together with Congo Climate justice activists (in planning)


19-22 Panel and live music

Friday - 13.9.

Topic: "Sexism"

Before 8:30 am: Exercise and start to the day


9:15-10 Organisational plenary

10-12 (several programme points requested and in planning)

12-13 Plenary session to get together and talk

Lunch break

14 Start of feeder protest towards "A100 wegbassen"

17-22 Start of main protest "A100 wegbassen"

(Possibly evening film "Radical Resilience" - parallel in the camp (in planning))

Saturday - 14.9.

Topic: "Climate justice, anti-racism and decolonisation"

Before 8:30am: Movement and start to the day


9:15-10 Organisational plenary

10-12 "How can cooperation with countries of the global South succeed?" - Skillshare based around the Congo as an example

10-12 (further programme items requested and in planning)

12-13 Coming together for exchange plenary

Lunch break

14-16 (several programme points requested and in planning)

Exchange with BiPOC activists and climate justice groups from Berlin

19-22 Panel and live music

20 parallel: Film "System Change" at the Brandenburger Gate

All day parallel: Biodiversity conference "Rewild the world"

Sunday - 15.9.

Before 8:30 am: Movement and start to the day


9:15-10 Organisational plenary

Action "Stop fossil subsidies"

15-17:30 Open spaces at the camp, outlook and networking (in planning)

17:30-18:15 Plenary for coming together and storytelling


All day parallel: Biodiversity conference: Rewild the world

Monday/Tuesday - 16/17.9.

Dismantling of the camp

* "A100 wegbassen" is an event organized by the techno scene and many social and especially queer projects that are threatened by the construction of the A100 in Berlin.

** The educational programme takes place in cooperation with Wandelbündnis e.V.

*** The event is a registered gathering.

Part of the festival and rebellion days
