01 - Preparation For The Action
What are the legal consequences of participating in Extinction Rebellion actions? What rights do you have and what are the police allowed to do? You can find information on how you should prepare for actions in our legal advice booklet. Our aim is to provide you with information so that you can protect yourself. The better informed you are, the better prepared you will be for the action!
Communication with the police
When you do civil disobedience you often come into contact with the police. This document would like to give you some tips & ideas on how you can communicate with police officers and transport the open XR spirit without endangering yourself or your fellow rebels.
02 - After The Action
If you participated in an action and receive a letter from the police or prosecution afterwards - please contact the XR Legal Team! You are not alone. We will give you advice on how to deal with the situation, put you in touch with others and inform you about options to get financial support for legal cost. We can also help you to try and get your data deleted if your fingerprints/fotos have been taken. You can reach us via email (legalteam@extinctionrebellion.de - please encrypt if possible) or Wire (@xrlegalde).
Who already received a letter concerning a criminal proceeding or a non-compliance procedure of any XR action in Germany, or who count on one: Please do not respond to summons or hearing summons of the police. You do not have to, and from experience we can say that it will rather harm than benefit you. Please also get in contact with us, because we would like to connect you to others who are in a similar situation. Together, we will discuss possibilities to deal with the repression. We are in contact with solidary lawyers, who already stated their willingness to support us and who have experience with such processes.
Please share this information with those you know are also affected. If you are organized in an affinity group, it is sufficient if one of you gets in contact with us.
Nobody should be left alone. We stand united!
Challenge penal order
In the event that you have received a penal order and want to appeal, we have prepared a sample letter for you.
03 - Contact the legal team
There are national and local legal teams. The nationwide team deals with legal issues relating to larger nationwide actions. The local teams work together with the local groups to accompany local actions. If there is no local team, you can also contact the nationwide team so that you do not have go into action unprepared.
legalteam@extinctionrebellion.de (encrypted if you can - public key)