13 Feb 2025
Global view on racism

which color has more value than another one?

A workshop with Isaac Mark TSONGO MALESE, journalist researcher and human rights activist in AFRIKA GLOBAL VIEW


Coming across this issue, no matter how and when people can describe racism, let me state something that can seem to harm but which is totally real; Africans, victims of different anti-values for more than fifteen centuries had never heard about one color or another and none could imagine that something simple like "color" could make a certain difference into God's creatures, 'cause from their essence they knew that human-being is one and absolutely one; but something that is astounding is that Westerners, once when they landed on the African soil, they seemed to minimize the inhabitants of the ground simply because they are black, something which prejudiced to the Africans and opened the way to hatred. In fact, after deepening my researches based on _Black Africans dignity, remembering the _Transatlantic Slave Trade_ that dishonored the Africans, I concluded that Africans are more peaceful because they even do not care about what can be the outcomings of being marginalized in one way or another because of racism or any other form of discrimination ! In case, racial discrimination could have been abolished since the era of the relevant Afro-american black freedom fighters such as Marcus Garvey, Claude Mackey, Langston Hughes and other Africans like Cinua Achebe. Taking the example of the huge legends of African Reggae music, LUCKY DUBE Philip, you'll realize with me that, though his friends and membership of the black colour were wildly treated during the apartheid, he didn't get hatred from white people, he carried on sensitizing people that we are different colors of course but one people! The same fight has been conducted by Martin Luther king whose dream seems to come true.

Language: English

When? February 13, 6:30–8:30pm

Where? Online, dial-in link:https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/64974560620?pwd=76Za33l0qITlFxaxywB6HORaSb45fo.1

Background: Between January 31 and February 16 the Anti-Racism-Weeks will take place - be there and join the online events.

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